So far we have discussed methods of geo – engineering as if wearing a mask, now we look towards an opposition; a concept by which carbon is extracted from the climate system and stored, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). The idea of CCS is often considered as a mitigation strategy to reduce emissions at a large scale, primarily targeting electricity generating power plants.
There are two leading ideas to tackle this problem:
- Capturing CO2 from a source gas prior to its release into the atmosphere
- Directly extracting CO2 from the air in the climate system
To discuss carbon capture leaps into the world of advanced chemistry and chemical engineering, as so, let’s start with a picture. The figure below, courtesy of Terry Wall, provides a concise and simplified summary allowing us to grasp the three operations which are currently being implemented at select power stations.
Kanniche, Mohamed et al. 'Pre-Combustion, Post-Combustion And Oxy-Combustion In Thermal Power Plant For CO2 Capture'. Applied Thermal Engineering 30.1 (2010): 53-62.
Pre – combustion or the Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC), if you want to make things difficult, describes an operation which separates the Hydrocarbons into Hydrogen and Carbon (shock) and burns them at increased pressures with pure oxygen. The result is a gas of Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Hydrogen (H2). Clearly we can’t leave things like this, to capture CO2 we actually need some CO2, this is done by reducing the temperature and reacting the CO with steam (H2O). Finally, the gas needs to be separated, this is done using physical and chemical solvents and the left over Hydrogen is utilised for further energy production.
Post – combustion, as you might have guessed, captures the CO2 after the electricity has been generated. Things start warming up and the gas is scrubbed (with a solvent of aqueous amine solution) at about 50°C. It then starts to get really hot (~100 – 120°C) and it is stripped down, molecule by molecule to regenerate the solvent with water vapour. The condensed vapour leaves a gas of pure CO2.
The M&S advert is over now. Oxy – fuel combustion takes the natural air and separates out the Oxygen. The extracted oxygen (~95% pure) is burned with a recyclable gas to maintain volume and thus pressure in the system (why? Only ~21% of natural air is oxygen!) and produces a gas of majority CO2 and water.
Members of the academic community including David Keith and Klaus Lackner have progressed the idea of air capture directly from natural air by building artificial trees… and I’m not talking about the plastic bonsai on your bedside table. The idea is to create a structure of blinds embedded with plates of Sodium Hydroxide which absorb CO2 from passing air with a collection of efficiency of ~30%. The idea remains rogue in the scientific community, whilst yes, you could capture CO2 from anywhere, the issue still remains of transporting and storing the CO2, Although the ability of such technology exists, Keith quotes the realism acts as an, ‘unlikely means to achieve air capture,’ in the foreseeable future.
On a final note, considering such technology actually exists, is feasible and has been proved successful; you may ask, why is it not implemented at every power station? It boils down to money. The UK Government, just days before the Paris climate summit, retracted the £1bn effort to implement CCS in conjunction with Shell and Drax. Realistically, the decision showed a complete lack of appreciation for the cost of doing nothing with expected savings of ~£32bn by 2050.